The Tank will present Tank-aret, a monthly cabaret series curated by EllaRose Chary and Brandon James Gwinn on Monday, February 25, hosted by Drag King Sam Bam Thankyoumaam. This Tank-aret Kick Off: A Taste of Something Different to kick off the calendar year Tank-aret season by features artists who will offer a taste of the various kinds of material Tank-aret presents. Performing are Lily Ali-Oshatz, Hannah Fairchild, Sandy Gooen, Cheeyang Ng, Capital B, Annalisa Dias, Ronee Penoi and more.
Tank-aret, now in its second year, features an evening of new work by artists not traditionally represented in cabaret and musical theater spaces. The intention is to lift up the voices of women, queer and trans artists, artists of color, differently-abled artists and anyone else who has some cabaret magic to make but is “usually not given the space to take risks and bite off more than they can chew.” Further Tank-arets are scheduled for, Monday, March 4 (featuring BOOBS! The Musical with Erica Von Kleist), Monday, April 22 (featuring Izzy Castaldi), Monday, May 20 (featuring Anessa Marie), and Monday and June 24 (featuring Sabrina Chap).
The Tank is a non-profit arts presenter serving emerging artists engaged in the pursuit of new ideas and forms of expression. The Tank serves over 2,000 artists every year in over 400 performances, and work across all disciplines, including theater, comedy, dance, film, music, public affairs, and storytelling. The goal is to foster an environment of inclusiveness and remove the burden of cost from the creation of new work for artists launching their careers and experimenting within their art form.
Tank-aret tickets ($18 + 1 drink minimum) are available for advance purchase at www.thetanknyc.org. The performance will run approximately 90 minutes, with no intermission.
The Tank is located at 312 West 36th Street, between 8th and 9th Avenues), NYC
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