JazzFest White Plains Continues Virtually, From Tuesday, September 8 Through Friday, September 11

The 2020 JazzFest White Plains plays virtually this year, from Tuesday, September 8 – Friday, September 11, combining the spirit of ArtsWestchester’s annual ArtsBash with the week-long JazzFest program. Now in its ninth year, JazzFest celebrates established jazz greats who have shaped the genre, as well as rising stars who are carrying jazz in new directions. Virtual programs will be held on Zoom and live-streamed on Facebook.

Programs are as follows:


4:30-5:30 pm | An ARTSBASH Virtual Mixology Party Kicks Off JazzFest 2020!
Presented by ArtsWestchester
This free event will be presented via ZOOM. Reservations are required.

A unique virtual cocktail hour with Jägermeister cocktails and live jazz music by The Rico Jones Trio.
Free Registration

6 pm | Presenting Jazz in the time of COVID-19
Presented by ArtsWestchester, City of White Plains, and the WPBID
This free event will be presents via Zoom and Facebook Live

A discussion between some of Westchester’s top jazz presenters/producers focusing on the history of their institutions/venues and the creative ways in which they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring:
Mark Morganelli | Jazz Forum
John Brathwaite | PJS Jazz
Elizabeth Sander | The Westchester Center for Jazz & Contemporary Music
Wayne Bass | White Plains Commissioner of Recreation & Parks
Free Registration

8 pm | Westchester Jazz: Then and Now
Presented by the White Plains Public Library and ArtsWestchester
This free event will be presented via Zoom and Facebook Live

The program features jazz artists who have deep roots and ties to Westchester County. The program will include short performances by each of the artists and a moderated discussion about the history and development of jazz in Westchester. Moderated by Tom van Buren, White Plains Jazz Fest Artistic Directory (2010-2017). Featuring:
Art Bennett | Sax
Kathryn Farmer | Piano and Voice
Kenny Lee | Trumpet
Rocky Middleton | Bass
*list in formation
Free Registration


12 noon | Isabella Mendes & Flavio Lira Duo
Presented by Downtown Music at Grace
This free event will be presented via Zoom and Facebook Live

Isabella Mendes is a singer-songwriter, pianist, composer and educator whose work is rooted in Brazilian jazz and bossa nova. Flavio Lira explores the musical traditions of Brazil, Cuba and Colombia. Together, the two will present a special all-originals set, during this midday performance.
Free Registration

6 pm | Jazz Education in Westchester
Presented by White Plains Public Library and ArtsWestchester
This free event will be presented via Zoom and Facebook Live

Enjoy an intimate conversation between Westchester’s top jazz instructors as they delve into topics such as their personal histories in education, the development of local institutions of jazz learning, and a discussion of COVID-19 and its impact on teaching jazz inside and outside the classroom. The program will include short performances by each of the artists. Featuring:
Tim Veeder | White Plains High School
Ray Blue | Cross-Cultural Connection
Hiroshi Yamazaki | Music Conservatory of Westchester
Free Registration

8 pm | Jazz, From One Generation to the Next
presented by ArtsWestchester, City of White Plains and White Plains BID
This free event will be presented via Facebook Live

A discussion between master jazz artists and their mentees will delve into the topics of intergenerational exchange and transmission in jazz education. The moderated program will also include short live performances by each master-mentee pair. Moderated by Pete Malinverni, Purchase College. Featuring:
Alexis Cole and Lucy Wijnands
Bobby Sanabria and Gabrielle Garo
Ulysses Owens Jr. and Aaron Jennings
Free Registration


8 pm | Jazz at the Intersections
Presented by ArtsWestchester, City of White Plains & White Plains BID
This free event will be presented via Zoom and Facebook Live

These featured artists are pushing the boundaries of jazz by engaging musical traditions alongside and outside the genre. Live demonstrations and performances by each of these artists, as well as a moderated discussion, will introduce audiences to the world of jazz fusion. Featured Artists:
Amir ElSaffar | Arabic music and jazz
Jomion & the Uklos | West African/Carribean music and jazz
Pablo Mayor | Columbian music and jazz
Free Registration


8 pm | Jazz’s Rising Stars
Presented by ArtsWestchester, City of White Plains & White Plains BID
This free event will be presented via Zoom and Facebook Live

Discover some of the top young jazz musicians playing in the United States. This virtual gathering will include short live performances by each of the four featured artists, as well as a moderated discussion about what it’s like to be a young rising star in jazz today. Moderated by Keanna Faircloth, WBGO. Featured Artists:
Connie Han | Piano
Matthew Whitaker | Piano
Veronica Swift | Voice
Alicia Olatuja | Voice
Free Registration

For more information and to register, please visit artswestchester.org › 

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