Led by award-winning author Will Friedwald, considered one of the nation’s most knowledgeable music writers, take a virtual journey down Tin Pan Alley in the webinar NYC’s Tin Pan Alley: The Birthplace of America’s Music Industry on Tuesday, April 7 from 6 to 7:30 pm (in association with the New York Adventure Club). A Q&A will follow the presentation.
Says Friedwald, ” If you walked over right now to the Manhattan intersection of West 28th Street and Broadway, what would you hear? Unfortunately, like too many streets in NYC these days, probably only construction and car horns. But over 100 years ago, you would have been greeted with something else entirely: a cacophony of sounds from aspiring composers, singing and banging away on the piano, from the sidewalk to walk-up music studios.”
NYC’s Tin Pan Alley: The Birthplace of America’s Music Industry is the story of one neighborhood in New York that transformed the city into the songwriting and music publishing capital of the world—a role it still maintains over a century later. Friedwald will cover:
• The origin story of Tin Pan Alley, and how a stretch of West 28th Street in Manhattan became the home for independent music publishers and songwriters from around the world
• The evolution of the American music business, from the early days where songwriters were largely anonymous, to the mid-1960s when The Beatles and Bob Dylan changed the fundamental business model, to today’s ‘360’ management deals.
• The music styles that converged in the former neighborhood, including jazz & blues from New Orleans, cowboy songs from the American West, and theatrical scores from the theatres in Europe
• Stories about the early music legends, such as Irving Berlin, Richard Rodgers and Cole Porter
• Rare and vintage audio and video clips of the legendary Tin Pan Alley songwriters in action, such as Johnny Green playing “Body and Soul and Harold Arlen singing “Stormy Weather—none of which can be found online
New York Adventure Club : “TIN PAN ALLEY” on Tuesday, April 7 from 6 to 7:30 pm via lIVESTORM
Website: https://www.nyadventureclub.com/event/nycs-tin-pan-alley-the-birthplace-of-americas-music-industry-webinar-registration-101719483714/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2652095774913036/
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