Open mic, Salon, hosted by Mark Janas and produced by Tanya Moberly continues at Don’t Tell Mama (343 West 46TH St/, NYC) on Sunday, January 20th from 7:30-10:30 PM. (Sign-up begins at 7pm.) The optional theme for the evening is “Why We Do What We Do.”
Co-Host will be Ari Axelrod, who appears at Birdland Theater Monday, January 21st at 8:30pm. The show honors the songs and stories of Jewish composers and their contributions to the American Musical. For more information see www.birdlandjazz.com
Salon Spotlight will feature multiple award-winning vocalist and recording artist Stacy Sullivan who will be at Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall in TORNADO ALLEY: A CD RELEASE CONCERT on Thursday, January 24th at 8pm. Tornado Alley is her seventh album on the LML Music Label and has been described as a musical weather report on American life. With arrangements from producer/guitarist, Troy Fannin, the program describes a psychological journey through stormy weather. For more information, please go to www.carnegiehall.org.
The upcoming Salon schedule is as follows: January 27, 2019 – NO SALON and February 3, 2019 – NO SALON
February 10, 2019
Theme: Hellos & Goodbyes
Co-Host: Amy Engelhardt
Salon Spotlight: Yael Rasooly
February 17, 2019
Theme: With A Little Help From My Friends
Co-Hosts: Marcus Simeone, Lina Koutrakos & Sean Harkness
February 24, 2019 – NO SALON
March 3, 2019
Theme: Water
Co-Host: Rick Jensen
March 10, 2019
Theme: Acceptance
Co-Host: Scott Evan Davis
Salo has an in-house videographer offering professional, website and YouTube-ready video clips for anyone who is interested. The cost is $20 in cash per song—payable in advance at sign-up.
There is a $10 cash cover ($5 for students with I.D.) collected at the door and a $15 food/drink minimum (cash or credit) per person.
RESERVATIONS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: www.donttellmamanyc.com / 212-757-0788 (after 4pm)
Visit our website at www.markjanasthesalon.com and look for us on Face Book.
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