The Tuscany Project Is Returning. Join the Singing Workshop from May 20-27 at Agriturismo Terenzana, Italy

The Tuscany Project is a singing workshop as well as a retreat, returning after the COVID pandemic intervened. The week-long creative process in Italy begins on Saturday, May 20, running for one week through May 27 at Agriturismo Terenzana in Tuscany.

The 27-year old project is open to all, from beginners to experienced singers, and from all walks of life. Attendees will explore the voice in singing together with others as well as in solo moments, learning the connection of voice, body and imagination.

The activities of the Project includes daily gentle and vigorous movement, which  prepares the singer for the physical aspects of vocal and performance work and develops fuller freedom of expression. The Project also explores pathways to powerful performance of songs: vocal and acting technique, personal and emotional connection to material, and methods to bring forth the “story” in a song. Songs will be shared in an informal presentation to other workshop participants at the end of the workshop. Music from around the world is explored in group sessions, where the joy and community of communal singing is experienced.

For detailed information and registration, visit

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