The MAC Board of Directors Is Looking for New Members

The MAC Board of Directors election is coming up, and the submission period is now open for any MAC member who would like to run as a candidate for the MAC Board in the upcoming election. All current MAC members are welcome to submit themselves as candidates for the MAC Board.

There will be five available slots to fill in the upcoming election. The terms of three of our current Board members are expiring (Julie Miller, Sidney Myer and Analisa Bell), and all three will be running for re-election. That means that even if all three current members were to win re-election, the Board still has room to add two additional new members. So if you are interested in joining the MAC Board, this would be a great time to submit your candidacy.

The following are the rules and requirements to run in ]the MAC Board of Directors Election and serve as a MAC Board member:

1. Candidates must be current MAC members and must maintain their MAC membership throughout the election process, and if elected, throughout their term as Directors. Board members pay for their own MAC membership just like all other MAC members.

2. MAC Board meetings are held in-person in the theater district on the third Wednesday evening of each month. You must be available to attend these meetings on a regular basis. If elected, your first Board meeting will be Wednesday evening, September 18th. MAC Board members are expected to attend most MAC sponsored events, such as the MAC Awards, The MAC Holiday Party, MAC to School, etc.

3. Before the submission deadline, you must email both a headshot-style photo and a short statement (200 words maximum) presenting your background, the skills you would bring to the Board, and any other information you feel is pertinent for members to consider when deciding whether to vote for you. The email should be sent to MAC’s main email address:

4. DEADLINE: You must email your candidacy submission so that it is received by us no later than 5:00pm on Friday, August 23, 2024. All submissions will be acknowledged by return email. It is your responsibility to make sure, before the deadline expires, that we have received your submission.

5. If you are elected to the Board, you must regularly check your email, as Board business is frequently conducted via email in-between meetings. You must have the ability to read, create, and print documents in Microsoft Word (or similar product), as well as PDF documents.

6. We are looking for people with a lot of energy, and a can-do attitude, who think outside the box and want to put in some real work to help run our current programs and develop new ones. If this sounds like you, please consider joining us on the Board! This is a hard-working Board, and every Board member has a job on the Board to which they devote significant amounts of time on a regular basis.

7. MAC Board members are volunteers. There is no payment for being a MAC Board member. Also, there is no financial commitment or financial obligation beyond maintaining your regular MAC membership.

8. The election and voting will take place online later this month. Ballots will be emailed to all MAC members of record as of August 20, 2024. The five candidates who receive the most votes will be elected to serve a three-year term as a Director.

The Board members are a fun group of people who enjoy working hard for the cabaret community.


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