The First MAC Community Chorus Meeting Was a Great Success—Two More Are Scheduled, for Thursdays, March 14 and April 4

If you’re a MAC member, don’t pass this by! The new pilot program that the MAC Board established for the cabaret community— the MAC Community Chorus— has had its first meeting, and according to MAC president, Julie Miller, was “everything hoped for… The atmosphere in the room was of much happiness and I can’t wait to do it all again.” Two more meetings are scheduled: Thursdays, March 14 and April 4, both from 7-9 PM (at a rehearsal room in Midtown).

The MAC Community Chorus is an opportunity for all interested members to gather and sing choral arrangements of songs—group singing with two or more parts depending on the number of people who register and attend. Maestro Bill Zeffiro is Chorus Leader/Musical Director. Zeffiro has not only Bill been part of the community for many years, but has bountiful experience teaching multi-part choral material to groups.

Miller reports that there was a great mix of MAC members at the first meeting—different ranges of voices and styles of singing. To get started, in the first meeting the group worked on some selections from the Golden Age of Broadway; songs most of the singers had at least some familiarity with, singing in two voices and sometimes three, filling the room with sound.

Going forward, the genre of songs will be expanded to reflect the preferences of our attending members (attendees have already started making suggestions of music for future meetings). MAC is covering all costs for all members for these initial sessions. If enough members attend and indicate an interest in continuing on an on-going basis, MAC will make this pilot program a permanent fixture.

For more information and to reserve a space, contact MAC at:  Indicate your type of voice (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), or what vocal range you are most comfortable singing. Once you make your reservation, you will be emailed the meeting location information and a PDF of the music to be sung.

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