The 12th Annual Star-Studded “Night of a Thousand Judys” Is on Monday, June 3 at Joe’s Pub

The 12th Annual Night Of A Thousand Judys the all-star Pride concert to benefit The Ali Forney Center, written and hosted by Justin Elizabeth Sayre—will take place at Joe’s Pub on Monday, June 3 at 7 PM (with a VIP post-show reception to follow). Drew Wutke is the event’s music director, with direction by Peter James Cook and choreography by Jason Wise.The show honors the iconic Judy Garland with special skits, tributes and songs from her legendary career as a movie star, recording artist and stage performer. This year’s special guests are Nathan Lee Graham, Grey Henson, Nicole Zuraitis, Antwayn Hopper, Edmund Baggnell, Tammy Faye Starlite, Tim Hughes, Gabrielle Breckford and The Boy Band Project. MX Justin Vivian Bond will receive the First Annual Judy Icon Award.

The Ali Forney Center is the nation’s largest agency dedicated to helping and protecting LGBTQ+ homeless youth from the harms of homelessness. Through its 24/7 Drop-In Center, “Ali’s Place,” and a network of 13 emergency and transitional housing sites, the Ali Forney Center serves over 2,200 LGBTQ+ young people. As a leader in this space, the Ali Forney Center supports organizations to utilize their expertise to replicate their model of success across the country and around the world.

Tickets are $75 (partial view), $100 (Regular), $150 (Premium) and $175 (VIP). The $150 Premium seats include preferred seating, and a ticket to Ali Forney Center’s Summer Oasis Party on July 24. The $175 VIP seats includes premium seating, a ticket to Ali Forney Center’s Summer Oasis Party on July 24, and an exclusive post-show reception. The event has a $12 food / two (2) drink minimum per person. Tickets are available HERE.

Joe’s Pub is located at the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street (at Astor Place) New York, NY 10003.

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