DAY ONE 12/4: The OPENING NIGHT GALA starred the incomparable, elegant and always stunning KT Sullivan and Steve Schalchlin and his special guests—Jim Brochu (who introduced Steve and should really consider another career as a stand up comic), Carl Draper, Charlie Viehl and Gavin Gold. This show was EVERYTHING an Opening Night Gala should be. With wine and goodies served prior to the show and then a champagne toast to launch this year’s festival, both shows were not only beautifully performed (no one has a voice like KT or writes better tunes or entertains like Steve) but it was just plain ol’ fun and all about MUSIC and HEART! This is what Winter Rhythms is all about. Well, that and raising money over the next 10 days to benefit our impressive Urban Stages Outreach Program.
Click here to see a clip from Steve’s sing-a-long at the end.
DAY TWO 12/5: Seung Choi’s Christmas Isn’t Just for Asians—OK, I would have gone to the show for the title alone… brilliant name! This show was about holiday customs from around the globe with a cast of 8 (but lacking performer advocacy of their own production, a show that should have been seen by more). There were some outstanding performances by Ellis Gage who should be stepping on a Broadway stage any time now and Carmen Ezcurra on a beautifully belted and on-pitch version of “Happy Days” about her long travel home each year to be with her family. There also was Timmy Ong‘s pure, sweet delivery of a number that made me cry and Ryanne Claritas who offered a clarion version of “Silent Night” in the soprano school of a Sarah Rice. Plus, producer Seung Choi (a joyful bundle of energy); GG (FABULOUS and the best dressed); and Chaeyeon Kim and Karen Joy Pangantihon, who were both featured and added the young R&B, riffing spunk that the young ones love so much.
Not surprising to anyone who knows me, the songs that really spoke to me were the ones delivered purely and without affectation—but what do I know? I’m old…LOL! The small but mighty audience loved every minute.
DAY TWO 12/5: Snowed in with the Abominable Magritte & Rosen—Alara Magritte and Daniel Rosen are SUPERSTARS! There, I said it and predict it! What a great night. Back in June, Alara had approached me with a very professional request to be considered for this year’s festival. I watched her clip immediately and, as I said last night, I “swiped right”! They were so funny and engaging and vocally amazing; their original tunes were as memorable as any Broadway show tune you’d find yourself singing. THAT’s the telltale of a hit on a song! This was not your usual holiday show; it did have some traditional music mixed with new tunes but all fully informed and connected to in Alara’s and Daniel’s unique way. They were joined by four other incredible talents all new to me: Lucy Hall, Andrew Harvey, Moana Poyer and musical director Allison Kraus. Each and everyone of them on that stage were worthy of a solo show. It was THAT good. The packed audience clearly agreed with me from the thunderous applause after each and every song. I know my path will definitely cross with theirs again but should you see them performing anywhere… GO… just GO and thank me later!
Sue Matsuki is the producer of Winter Rhythms