Two siblings: Dana and Drew Aber. DOUBLE the talent! I’ve known of Dana’s talent for awhile since I’ve had the pleasure of sharing a stage with her on occasion. Her voice is magnificent and she is as lovely as she is talented. So now I’ve learned that she is also an incredible playwright! Who knew? Well, I do now and soon you will too. Dana has collaborated on a new play, Save/Reload, with her talented brother, Drew, which will debut at the New York Theater Winterfest. (All info in the interview and on the ticket link below.) As you will hear, Save/Reload is a look into the serious, psychological aspect of gamer obsession. To me, this is a brilliant concept, so I was intrigued enough to make them my Muse today. Please meet Dana and Drew Aber…
Here’s a link to the show’s web page, along with a BroadwayWorld press release.
Save/Reload written by Dana Aber in collaboration with Drew Aber, starring Drew Aber. When technology meets magic in his RPG video game, how much of himself must he face to win.
This is Drew’s return to the stage! He lives in Las Vegas, (including a successful career as a performer on the Strip), he’s been touring with the “Oh, What a Night” company, a Frankie Valli/Four Seasons revue by Chapquist Entertainment. Save/Reload is his first non-singing play in many years. Here is a link to his information: https://www.broadwayworld.com/people/Drew-Aber/
Dana also wrote a one woman musical called Baggage at the Door. How cool would it be if some produce would pick up these two shows and run them alternately? Let’s make it happen…who knows someone? Here is a link to here website: https://www.danaaber.com/