Songwriter Larry Kerchner Co-Hosts Salon this Sunday, August 12th, at 7PM

SALON, the weekly open mic, created and hosted by Mark Janas, will return to Etcetera, Etcetera, 352 West 44th Street, NYC, on Sunday, August 12th from 7 PM to 10:00 PM. (Sign-up begins at 6:15.) The optional theme for the evening is Location, “Location, Location” with Co-Host Larry Kerchner, featuring Dennis Chiccino, Nina Hennessy, Marissa Mulder and Mark Nadler, with Tex Arnold (piano), Tom Hubbard (bass) and Ray Marchica (drums)“ A note about the theme: all material, on or off theme, is always welcome.

Salon continues every Sunday; August concludes with:

August 19th – Theme: Salon’s Bar Mitzvah: 13 Years Of Music and Magic with Co-Hosts The Etceterettes

August 26th – Theme: A Hundred Easy Ways To Celebrate Leonard Bernstein with Co-Host: Julie Reyburn

SALON has an in-house videographer offering professional, website and YouTube-ready video clips for anyone who is interested. The cost is $20 in cash per song, payable in advance at sign-up. This service is completely optional.

Salon is an ongoing open entertainment event in which singers, writers and musicians share their talent with each other and audience members. Salon welcomes instrumentalists, poets, playwrights, essayists, comics, illusionists and performance artists. Please limit your selections to three or four minutes in length (including introductions). Please also bring clear, complete charts. ALWAYS BRING SEVERAL SONG SELECTIONS to avoid duplication.

There is a $10 cash cover ($5 for students with I.D.) collected at the door and a $20 food/drink minimum (cash or credit) per person. A 20% gratuity is added to all checks.) There are no reservations; seating is on a first come/first served basis. Doors open and sign up begins at 6:15 PM. The evening begins at 7:00, has a 15-minute break at 8:30 and ends promptly at 10:00. More information is available at

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