Six Questions for Marieann Meringolo

Marieann Meringolo is a MAC Award-winning recording artist, a BackStage Bistro Award-winner for “Outstanding Vocalist” and a BroadwayWorld-nominated artist for “Best Tribute Show” (Alan and Marilyn Bergman). She performs in New York’s most celebrated venues and headlines on cruises around the world.  She is also receiving rave reviews for her 2018 CD,, released on the Blu Jazz label, Between Yesterday and Tomorrow: The Songs of Alan & Marilyn Bergman. On December 1st, Meringolo will perform her annual holiday show, In the Spirit! at Feinstein’s/54 Below. (NLE) asked Marieann Meringolo (MM) “Six Questions.”
1. NLE: When did you first realize that you wanted to be a performer and when was the first time you sang in front of an audience?

MM: I was always singing as a kid, but it wasn’t until I was 14 years old and entered a talent show. I sang “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina” and surprised everyone. I became know as the “kid with the voice” by my teachers. After that, I knew I wanted to be a professional singer.

2. NLE: What led you to perform in a cabaret venue?

MM: I grew up on Long Island not far from Port Jefferson where there was a theatre named Theatre Three. They had the main stage, a 400-seat theatre and a “Second Stage,” an intimate cabaret setting. I performed on the main stage in their musical productions and then was hired to sing for one of their “Second Stage” revues. We were a cast of six and I loved the intimacy of connecting to the audience. I was only 19 at the time. Another cast member, Doug, played the piano and thought we should put an act together. We did, but didn’t get very far, but I did at least get my feet wet. After that, I entered a contest at Freddy’s Supper Club and came in second place, which won me a one-night spot to perform my own show. I hired pianist/coach (the late) Marc Malamed, who I met during the contest and he helped me put a show together. From there, I auditioned for Jan Wallman, who booked me at Jan Wallman’s and then I auditioned for Helen Baldassare, who booked me at Don’t Tell Mama. That was back in late ’80s. And obviously, I haven’t stopped—and have no plans to.

3. NLE: Who were some of your early musical influences?

MM: As far as celebrities go, Barbra Streisand is my main influence and Liza Minnelli, Bette Midler and Donna Summer all played a role in influencing my early years. But I remember hanging out at Eighty Eights and seeing the shows of Sally Mayes, Annie Hughes and Phillip Officer and thinking I want to connect and give to my audiences, the way that they connect and give to their audiences.

4. NLE: What was your favorite gig ever?

MM: The first time I was booked at Feinstein’s at the Loews Regency. It felt very exciting that I was suddenly being taken seriously for doing what I love to do. I felt like I had arrived.

5. NLE: Who, or what, is your current motivator?

MM: I would have to say my inner spirit. I have to answer to myself and I need to be able to feel like I’m doing all I can to achieve my dream.

6 .NLE: When you’re alone, what music do you listen to?

MM: Well, when I’m learning new songs—that’s pretty much it. But, I go through phases when I have pockets of free time to listen. I’m currently loving the new Barbra album Walls and will listen to a range of artists from Lady Gaga to Nancy Wilson to Edith Piaf to Bruno Mars, as well as to show tunes to meditation music. I have a pretty eclectic taste in what I like.

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