Sen. Elizabeth Warren Lights Up the Crowd in Washington Square Park!

Rally in Washington Square Park for Elizabeth Warren

By Kevin Kennison****Scott Barbarino and I represented our ART2020 pack at tonight’s rally in Washington Square Park for candidate Elizabeth Warren. We were part of a huge crowd and were happily struck by the overwhelming majority of young people filling the park. Let’s hope and do what we can, to make sure they are all registered and that they vote!

The rally opened with passionate campaign workers, supporters and state and local women assembly members. All politics is local, is the truth. We are the grass roots.

Senator Warren was passionate, clear, grounded and talked about her ideas and policies. The crowd continued to spontaneously break into, “Warren! Warren! Warren!” Following her remarks, she was staying until all who wanted selfies with her were satisfied. She is probably still there.

Although our heart’s mission was not mentioned tonight, Scott was interviewed by a writer from Esquire Magazine and voiced our opinion that the Arts and Arts Funding should be included in all platforms and is at the core of our societal success, going forward.

We are not trying to put the arts above other important vital needs and necessary programs, but a healthy economy includes the arts. Building a stronger educational system includes the arts. The arts foster empathy for others and for the earth and should be included in a Green New Deal and any social benefits program. If we want to get back to strengthening our American ideals  and want to strengthen the foundation our forefathers erected for us, we must include all the arts. This is because the arts will expand young minds, open them up to creative thinking, critical thinking and a broader view of the world so that they can create the solutions that will save it for future generations.

This is not idealism, this is saying that exposure to the arts is a human right.

Join us in this crusade. Add your voice to the good fight. Save our democracy in your own way. Each of our small victories will add up to a better tomorrow for us all.



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