Ring in the New Year with an Off-Beat Comedy Via “England’s 16th Century Poet of the Perverse”

For a comedic saunter down the murky iambic back alleys of England’s preeminent poet of the perverse, the wholly-original libertine Arthur Greenleaf Holmes, get thee to The Tank theater by Thursday, February 9, 2023. The Wildly Inappropriate Poetry of Arthur Greenleaf Holmes is conceived, written and performed by Gordon Boudreau and directed by David Rosenberg.

England’s preeminent 16th century poet of the perverse fuses irresponsible humor with a deep love of language, poetry and the humanities for an evening of laughter and surprising insight. Blending the profane with the elegant and the subversive with the illuminating, Boudreau/Holmes takes the stage to offer such hits as the insightful “Ode to an Extremely Provocative Knothole,” the prepubescent lament “Mother, Will My Stones Drop?,” and his crowning achievement “I Built My Love a Menstrual Hut.”

Forced to find its way out of a dark and dusty corner of the Smithsonian amidst a landscape of uninspired current pop events, news-feed minutiae, and a non-nutritional diet of cat videos, The Wildly Inappropriate Poetry of Arthur Greenleaf Holmes fuses melodic language with an utter disregard for decent society to delight the well-read and casual Philistine. From college professors to the noble laborer, the NPR set to the barroom biker crowd—this is an evening tailor-made for the pervert of distinction.

Gordon “Gordy” Boudreau (playwright/performer) is an actor, writer and comedian whose pedigree includes standup and sketch comedy in New York, street performer at renaissance festivals, and lifelong lover of poetry, literature and language. He first developed the character of Arthur as a surreptitious street poet, who would lure passersby into a suspicious alleyway and deliver a boutique poetic experience. Soon, the alleyways could no longer hold his burgeoning army of drooling disciples, and he moved his derelict act to the stage. He has presented his show at festivals from New York to Florida, Minnesota to Texas.

Content warning: This production is intended for audiences 18 years and older. Tickets are $25.  Runtime is 75 minutes with no intermission. Visit: TheTankNYC

The Tank is located at 312 West 36th Street, New York, NY



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