The TV Junkie by Penny Landau **** Netflix new series Disjointed has two of my favorite things: Kathy Bates and weed. It was created and written by Chuck Lorre (Two and a Half Men, Mom, Big Bang Theory) so how could it lose? News flash it didnt. My cousin Eileen and I sat and watched all ten episodes waiting for Irma to hit and we peed in our pants, which is pretty common for two old broads in Florida. If you went to college in the 60s or 70s and were a big old stoner, this is the show for you.
Cannabis legend Ruth Whitefeather Feldman (Bates) runs a weed dispensary along with her son Travis (Aaron Moten), armed with an MBA and big ideas, plus a group of young budtenders. Pete (Dougie Baldwin) grows the stuff with love and care and talks with them sometimes, for unknown reasons, in an Australian accent. Hes joined by Olivia (Elizabeth Alderfer), Travis maybe girlfriend, Jenny (Elizabeth Ho), a med-school dropout and weed maven and Carter (Tone Bell), an Iraqi war vet who is the security guy at Ruths Alternative Caring. Along for the hilarious ride are a brilliant Nicole Sullivan as Maria, a stressed-out soccer mom ready to embrace some of Ruths alternative caring and Chris Redd and Betsy Sodaro as Dank and Dabby, two uber-stoners with a You-Tube show all about, well, weed. Throw in Michael Trucco (one of my favorite stars of Battlestar Galactica as well as Castle and Revenge) as Tae Kwon Doug, the uptight owner of the martial arts place next door and you have a group of off-the-spool characters that will keep you laughing without inhaling, although it is recommended.
The Diceman Cometh
After years of watching and sometimes working with Andrew Dice Clay, I learned to appreciate his sense of humor. One night at a club, some audience member ragged on him for being abusive to women, to which he replied, Lady, I love women, I respect women, I treasure women. But if I say that on stage, it aint funny. If I say, I love women to suck my d*%k, THATS funny. ITS MY ACT! And thats when I learned to love The Diceman. His Showtime comedy, Dice, gives us the new, improved and older Andrew. Hes living in Vegas, occasionally employed, spending much too much money at the tables and in a relationship with a woman who gets him, hilariously played by Natasha Leggero. Hes got his best bud, Milkshake and several on-again/off-again agents and managers. Its Dice in all his glory and well worth the trip.
Bye, Matt
Although I have written about this show before, I still maintain that Showtimes Episodes is one of the funniest comedies on TV. It stars Emmy-winner Matt LeBlanc as, well
Matt LeBlanc, Friends actor and currently a TV star and game show host. Joined by a bunch of crazy LA show folk, the one bit of sanity in Episodes is Beverly and Sean Lincoln, a British writing couple who came to the US to create an American version of their hit Brit-com, brilliantly played by Tamsin Greig and Stephen Mangan. From the first episode, shot entirely in London (standing in for LA), until this final season, this show is so wonderfully written and acted, from the three stars and the supporting cast Kathleen Rose Perkins, John Pankow, Andrea Rosen and my personal fave, Roger Bart as Matts slimy agent (is there any other kind?) that its worth the time to binge-watch the entire series before it ends. Youll be sorry if you dont!
WHAT??? Just when I get into the series Dark Matter, the PTB decide to cancel it. Boo hiss!
Until next time
The TV Junkie was preceded in her family by a large mahogany cabinet that housed a small screen with a large speaker below. Thus began her love affair with the older sibling in the living room. Theirs was a tenuous relationship, prone to mishaps (forgetting to use the special screen for Winky Dink), joyous events (Julie & Carol at Carnegie Hall), sad moments (Clarabelle saying goodbye to the Peanut Gallery) and a wide range of emotions (the funeral of John F. Kennedy and the Inauguration of Barack Obama). From Captain Video to Star Trek to Lost; from A Brighter Day to The Edge of Night to General Hoapital; from Peyton Place to Dynasty to Desperate Housewives; there has never been a greater love, than that of The TVJ and the best friend a girl could ever have.
Follow the TVJ on Twitter @thetvjunkiepml and on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/thetvjunkie
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