The musical-comedy sister duo, Vickie & Nickie, are back in their seasonal show, Vickie & Nickie’s Holiday Sleigh Ride!, performed live on December 10th at the Cutting Room in NYC and livestreamed, is now available on demand through Monday, January 9; click here. Created, written and performed by real life sisters Lisa and Lori Brigantino, the fast talking Midwestern moms accompany themselves on many different instruments, including acoustic and electric guitars, keyboard, accordion, saxophone, ukuleles, percussion and more!
During this celebration of the holiday season “Minnesota-style,” the multi-instrumental, singing housewife sisters entertain with comic interpretations of favorite holiday tunes and pop songs, wacky originals, fun family stories, social commentary and improv. The duo has been hailed as unlike any other, with characters complete, well-rounded, and immensely entertaining. Half comedy, half concert, their kitschy style includes thick accents and hammy presentation. What they offer is brimming with good-natured playfulness.”
Vickie & Nickie’s Holiday Sleigh Ride is created, written and performed by the Brigantinos is co-directed with Broadway veteran, Susan Haefner.
A streaming ticket for one device is $18 (plus fees). Run time is approximately 75 minutes. For more information about Vickie & Nickie, visit: