I have to admit that I didn’t know this woman very well, but she has always intrigued me. I knew who she was of course, and met her several times at various events, but I mostly knew of her from her beautiful Facebook posts. She is a fashion diva who posts these beautiful themed shots, sometimes vintage, very often in a collaboration with photographer Bill Westmoreland. What I came to discover through this interview is that she is SO much more. I am so happy for you to meet Wendy Lane-Bailey.
Photo Credit: Bill Westmoreland
Here is a link to Wendy’s website: https://www.wendylanebailey.com
Here is a link to register for the Spring Festival that we discussed in the interview for United Solo: https://unitedsolo.org/nyc-fall-2024/apply/
Tickets are on sale now for the Fall Festival which is running now through to November 17th at: https://festival.unitedsolo.org/shows
Here is a beautify art shot of Wendy and a link to Bill Westmoreland’s website: https://www.billwestmoreland.com/
Here is a link to a Sue’s Views about dressing for stage since we did discuss it in this interview: https://youtu.be/WnFUrTghB8E
Here’s a link to the Sue’s Views Blog on dressing for stage: https://suematsuki.com/More-Sue/Sues-Blog/ArticleID/1140/DRESS-TO-IMPRESS