So…what’s up with MAC (Manhattan Association of Cabarets & Clubs) while under the devoted direction of Ms. Julie Miller? This long-time champion of our community, first as a fan (and still is, you will see her in many shows); then as the annual award-show producer; the Vice President of MAC and now the President…she is a fascinating woman that I wanted you to really get to know. I have served on the MAC Broad twice with her. Her efforts to serve this community are tireless and notable! She has every and all of the professional credentials for the job, she’s an attorney, she has a new vision for MAC and is bringing back many of the wonderful programs that give back to the community…please meet Julie Miller…
MAC-to-School happens on September 28th & 29th…register TODAY!
Here is a link to the MAC Website where you can find all of the upcoming programs that we have discussed in this interview including how to register for MAC-to-School: