The prestigious nonprofit Soho Rep is giving up its longtime home in TriBeCa and will share space with Playwrights Horizons on West 42nd Street until developing a permanent plan for a future venue.
The move, related to post-pandemic financial concerns, echoes the recent departure of nonprofit Second Stage Theater from its longtime Off Broadway home on Eighth Avenue. Second Stage is planning to temporarily reside with Signature Theater on West 42nd Street, which has recently had more space than it can afford to program.
In 2022 the long-established Long Wharf Theater, in New Haven, Conn., departed its long-standing and iconic waterfront home and became itinerant. These stunning transitions are notable examples of the financial stresses affecting nonprofit theaters in a changing economy and cultural shifts.
“If you look at the field-wide vulnerability, partnerships are a result of that,” said Eric Ting of Soho Rep. “We look to each other for support and for strength.”