Pangea’s November Lineup Features Comedy and Song

The Jazz Bastards

Downtown club Pangea has been called “not unlike the fabled Max’s Kansas City from days gone by” by The New York Times. Since it began programming shows in January 2015, Pangea has emerged at the forefront of alt-cabaret entertainment. Highlights at Pangea in November are:

The comedy cabaret of David Mills presents a new show, Bitter Endings, a mix of caustic comedy and crooning. With Jody Shelton on piano this special late-show engagement happens on consecutive Friday/Saturdays. Described as “darkly funny, bristling with sharp-tongued satire and incisive wit” by Fest Magazine in Edinburgh, Mills delivers his signature droll, stylish stand-up, unhinged rants and re-invented radio hits as he dissects celebrity, relationships, politics and the end of the world.
David Mills, Bitter Endings, an evening of outré stories and songs. Fridays and Saturdays, November 8 & 9 and November 15 & 16, all at 9:30 pm. Cover $25

Interpreting a crazy assortment of pop repertoire by channeling the Andrews Sisters, The Randy Andys are a singing trio of Broadway actresses, in rotating formations, based on who’s in town and available. On the second Monday of the month drag host Cacophony Daniels welcomes the month’s rotating cast (in November Sutton Lee Seymour does the honors) and puts them through their paces. Possible Andys include Alison Mahoney, Sarah Pothier, Katie LaMark, Chelsea Barker, Joan Anderson, and Catie Pires-Fernandez. In November the sisters are joined by Kimberly Marable and in December the guest stars are Robert Creighton, Marisa McGowan, Lael VanKuren and Bret Shuford.
The Randy Andys, Mondays November 11and December 9, all at 7 pm. Cover $25

Fresh from their German tour of Ein Abend in New York, folk-Americana fabulists Rachelle Garniez and Erik Della Penna debut Sidewalks of New York, drawing on a wealth of influences from Tin Pan alley to folk, rock and pop. These multi-instrumentalists—Hazmat Modine frontman Penna, who has written and performed with Joan Baez, Natalie Merchant, Joan Osborne and David Yazbek, with whom he is writing a new musical; and Garniez, who has been called a “master of surprise” by Entertainment Weekly—are presented by Kevin Malony’s TWEED Theaterworks.
Rachelle Garniez and Erik Della Penna in Sidewalks of New York, Sunday, November 17 at 7 pm. Cover is $25

Rising Broadway star Colin Cunliffe, with Lance Horne on piano and Ray Cetta on guitar, takes charge of the 3rd Monday of the month with a new series of shows mixing the intimacy of late-night piano bar with stagecraft, vocals and comedy. In November he presents Guilty!!! with guest star Emma Caymares. Cunliffe promises to showcases some of the finest voices and talents in Gotham.
Colin Cunliffe and Friends, Monday,November 18 at 8 pm. Cover $25

In the midst of their extended engagement at Pangea are the Jazz Bastards, led by Jenny Lee Mitchell, Aldo Perez and Matt Kanelos, with the musically gifted Big Apple Circus clown Glen Heroy, horn player Richard Philbin, and the acrobatically inclined drummer Nick Parker. Jazz Bastards offer an immersive lounge show, different every time. Jazz Bastards, Friday, November 29 at 9:30pm. Cover $15.

There is a $20 food and drink minimum for all shows. To purchase tickets online visit , or for info call 212-995-0900.

Pangea is located at 178 Second Avenue (between 11th & 12th Streets), NYC

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