NiteLife Person of the Week— Contest & Last Week’s Answer

By Rob Lester

and whoooo is itOK, it’s Monday, so it’s time again for the NiteLife Person of the Week.  Get a clue or two or more for the mystery person and the one who came before (last week’s answer), keep reading.  Well, this week’s deserved NiteLife Person of the Week is not easy to categorize because this person has worn many hats in the cabaret world and theatre, and this week wears a party hat because our P.o.t.W. celebrates a birthday!  This is someone who knows one picture is worth a thousand words and has thus contributed to both language and visuals seen on this website and elsewhere, has been on stage singing (He was in the Metropolitan Room’s record-breaking days-long marathon, but with more than four score and seven performers, that doesn’t narrow it down  all that much!)  You may not know all the sides of our honoree and happily married friend who hails originally from down South: teacher, director, playwright, author, host and chef extraordinaire, participant in cabaret events documented on Youtube.  Still need some hints?  Read on.

As we did last week, we’ll give prizes of cabaret CDs, free cabaret show admission and free drink, or the opportunity to be a future NiteLife Person of the Week to the first winners to email the correct answer to  (See the names of the winners from the previous contest below, along with the clues and answers they had.)

and who is itThe longest part of this week’s Person’s first or last name rhymes with a word in one of the song titles in the score of Brigadoon, a different word which is in a song title from Gypsy, and also rhymes with the name of a very famous jazz critic, that word also being a noun if you spelled it without capitalization.

This person is known to most of us by one first name –and technically a nickname—which rhymes with a word in this sentence you’re reading.  But, the given name at birth, sometimes used in writing credits, rhymes with a common preposition.

And the remaining part of the name (add all three parts) rhymes with the name of a US President from the 20th century.


THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’s mystery Person of the Week:

JAN WALLMAN.  (Click on last week’s person of the Week feature to review the clues that added up to JAN + WALL + MAN)


With her MAC Award at the far right in the photo above is the late cabaret legend and nightclub owner/booker Jan Wallman, with the late Joan Rivers next to her (Miss Rivers, whose career she helped kickstart, presented her with the honor in a warm speech at tjhe MAC Awards show) and at the far left is Maryann Lopinto, who, is undeniably still very much with us in this lifetime of ours and won her own Lifetime Achievement from MAC in the most recent  awards event).

The first 3 winners who e-mailed correctly naming the late and much-missed Jan were:

cabaret doyenne Jamie deRoy,

singer Karen Mack soon to be returning (next month) as part of Those Girls, with harmonies extraordinaire,

and Sheree Sano (soon to be NiteLife Person of the Week!!) who competes this summer in BOTH cabaret venue singing contests: Mama’s Next Big Act and MetroStar!



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