The National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) has just issued a release stating that without additional federal funding, 90 percent of independent venues could close permanently in a few months. NIVA points out that independent venues were among the first businesses to close due to the corona virus pandemic and will be some of the last to open up again. With little or no revenue, many owners are finding it increasingly difficult to remain open.
NIVA is calling on the United States Congress to provide additional financial support. Specifically, NIVA is asking Congress to pass a proposed bill which would enhance current Paycheck Protection Program support, as well as suggesting additional relief through tax credits. View NIVA’s full fact sheet outlining their analysis of the current situation here.
To support this effort, write your Senator or Representative. Use this link to email your representative. https://www.saveourstages.com/
NIVA is an association of nearly 2,000 members founded by independent venue owners at the onset of COVID-19 shutdowns. New York City members are many, recently joined by The Iridium Jazz Club. Iridium owners point out that “while completely shuttered we have no revenue, our employees and artists are without jobs, and normal bills keep coming, regardless.”
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