Michael Lavine’s “Songs of the Decades” Continues on Live-Stream on Thursdays, July 23 and 30

Michael Lavine, Broadway vocal coach, performer music director, and sheet music guru continues his live-stream benefit Zoominar series, Moment Matinee Presents Songs of the Decade on Thursday, July 23 at 3:30 PM ET (the third and final installment, dedicated to the 1940s, will be on Thursday, July 30). The musical and informative program includes live performances from Broadway and Cabaret artists as well as some premiere recordings and discussion. The Enthralling Thirties will feature singer-pianist Steve Ross—“The Crown Prince of New York Cabaret,” singer actress, artistic director of The Mabel Mercer Foundation, KT Sullivan and Daisy Egan, the TONY Award winning star of The Secret Garden. There will be surprises as well.

After The Roaring Twenties, the new decade of the 1930s had the Great Depression, but also new beginnings in music with swing, jazz and the sound of the big bands in person, recordings and radio and screen. The popular singers now included many movie stars. Hollywood welcomed Broadway writers, adapting their popular Broadway shows for the screen and also creating new films. The radio program “Your Hit Parade” debuted, showcasing the most popular songs of the week.

There is a $25 fee per Zooominar. Register here:  https://momentmag.com/product/jewish-broadway-music-class/

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