Letter from the Publisher: #BlackLivesMatter: United We Stand

The simple response to the Black Lives Matter movement is a rousing “Yes. We stand with you.” And it’s important to make this declaration at this time. We’re now seeing such avowals emerge in a stream of affirmation by individuals and groups of all kinds. To not do so would be a statement in itself—a perceptively negative one that exists on some fundamental level. You can only guess why.

The #BlackLivesMatter protests and call-outs that were sparked by the graphic, needless death of George Floyd from a shocking display of police brutality has been breathtaking. The national and global scope of this response gives hope to an apparent determination to finally make a difference. There’s no doubt, if any existed, that the time to reform an increasing violent police reaction to often nonexistent crimes and to remove the stain of racism is long overdue. From the first slaves brought to the colonies in 1619 to the present, the fight for Black personhood has been unimaginably tragic. That’s a long time for a race of peoples to endure second class citizenship in a country that declares total equality in its Constitution.

At NiteLife Exchange we have consistently stood for social justice and equality as a publication and individually. We are black, white, gay and female. Each of us has felt the sting of bias in ways great and small. Our job now is to move beyond statements and platitudes. Our job is to actively engage in helping create true equality for Blacks, and beyond that to help create a safe, healthy environment where our common humanity unites us—where diversity is embraced and celebrated.

Hawaiian culture is deeply rooted in ohana—an ancient concept of connectedness with the land and with each other. The term is generally translated as “family,” but the scope of it is much larger. Ohana is the family of humankind beyond blood ties. The beauty and value of ohana is that it binds people together by compassion, loyalty and love. It’s a living point of view, a way of life, an outlook that runs deep, to the core of being. Ask any Hawaiian.

Please join us to help create that more diverse, equal and loving family in whatever way you can.

Sincerely, with gratitude for your ongoing support,

Scott Barbarino, Publisher, with the Editor and Staff of NiteLife Exchange


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