Jenn Bornstein Shares “A Diary of a Pizza Bagel’s Daughter”

My latest post features photos from the opening night of  A Diary of a Pizza Bagel’s Daughter featuring Jenn Bornstein on Sunday, January 28th at Don’t Tell Mama.  This debut show was directed by multi-award-winning Lennie Watts, with musical direction by Aidan Davis, joined by multi-award-winning Matt Scharfglass on bass and Lindsay Burstedt on guitar.

A Diary of a Pizza Bagel’s Daughter was a wonderfully moving musical tribute to Bornstein’s late father, Bart who passed during Covid. I thoroughly enjoyed the show! If you missed the show, you have two more opportunities to catch it: on Friday, February 23 and Saturday, February 24 at Don’t Tell Mama! For tickets and more information, go to

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