Fiesta de Cabaret #5: Perry Ojeda—The Party’s Over

By Marcia Blondin*** With Mark Hartman, Fiesta producer with David Sabella, still with family in the US. Yasuhiko “Yaz” Fukuoka stepped in to play piano for Fiesta de Cabaret #5, starring Perry Ojeda

Perry walked onto the Casa Karma Red Room stage buttoned up tight in formal (for Vallarta) attire. After one number, he shed the coat and tie and relaxed into the energy of the audience, who loved him immediately like an adored older brother.

His well-rehearsed show Just in Time celebrates the history and words of Betty Comden and Adolph Green. Their back story and Perry’s intertwined, giving him his first starring role as Gabey in On The Town and, to this day, guide him emotionally and spiritually with positive vibes. Ojeda, recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, has had to relearn how to sing; his control and determination are enormous.

Ojeda wants to impart everything he has learned over his decades onstage and in front of a camera to young aspiring actors and singers. The Cabaret students soaked up every word and tucked them away alongside each note that Perry sang—beautifully with power and gentleness in equal measure. Bravo, Maestro.

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