Eve Eaton Rocked the Stage with “Back to Billy” at Don’t Tell Mama

My latest photo journal features moments from Back to Billy: A Love Affair 40 Years in the Making, starring MAC award-winning Eve Eaton (from the group Those Girls) at Don’t Tell Mama.

The show celebrates everything about Billy Joel, directed by multi-award-winning director Lennie Watts, with musical direction by multi-award-winning musical director Steven Ray Watkins. The band includedmulti-award-winning Matt Scharfglass on bass, MAC award-winning Ted Stafford on vocals and others, and Don Kelly on percussion.

I first saw this show about ten years ago, and this is a reprisal of that show! I loved the show when I saw it the first time and just as much this second time! If you missed it, I highly recommend catching it this Thursday, June 27 at 7 PM. You can RSVP at https://shows.donttellmamanyc.com/.

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