Amy Wolk “Wolked” the Audience on the Final Night of “Amy Has Some Things To Wolk On”

My latest photo journal features images from the closing night of two-time MAC award-winning Amy Wolk‘s show Amy Has Some Things to Wolk On, on Sunday, February 9 at Don’t Tell Mama. Multi-award-winning cabaret wizard Lennie Watts was the creative consultant and Nate Buccieri was the music director. The show featured a wonderful mix of music from different genres and original numbers. Multi-award-winning Lorinda Lisitza accompanied Amy on an original number that was a collaboration between these two wonderful performers.

I was so happy to be able to catch this show! It was full of hilarious stories and songs, peppered with sensitive moments that caught the audience off-guard! I especially loved the parody moments, which I will not give away!  You’ll have to catch the show and see for yourself when she brings it back for the next iteration!




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