Six Questions

Six Questions with Dawn Derow

October 21, 2019 NiteLife Exchange 0

With two well-received performances this past June at The Laurie Beechman Theatre, Dawn Derow presented The House That Built Me, a show inspired by her father’s vast record collection of music, heard from her youngest […]

Cabaret Reviews

Three Tall Queens Fascinates and Inspires

October 21, 2019 NiteLife Exchange 0

By Michael Barbieri****These three queens are one remarkable woman!  Three Tall Queens is a fascinating, often horrifying and ultimately inspiring serio-comic theater piece based on the life of Lindsey Kay—a producer, manager and assistant who […]

Six Questions

Six Questions with Jackie Draper

October 18, 2019 NiteLife Exchange 0

When Jackie Draper returns with Repeal the Blues (on Thursday, October 24, 7 PM, at the Laurie Beechman Theatre) she’ll be bringing long her musicians, and her dance partner, all set to blast the blues […]

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